
Justice Prevails As Biden Overturns Decades Of Discrimination Against Gay Veterans


According to CNN, President Joe Biden has taken a historic step to right past wrongs by pardoning around 2,000 US veterans who were unjustly convicted under a discriminatory military law that banned gay sex between 1951 and 2013.

In a powerful statement, Biden said he was “righting a historic wrong” and affirming the dignity of service members “who were convicted simply for being themselves.” This move recognises the courage and sacrifices of the thousands of LGBTQIA+ troops who were forced out of the military due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“Despite their courage and great sacrifice, thousands of LGBTQIA+ service members were forced out”

The pardons specifically apply to convictions under former Article 125 of the Uniform Code Of Military Justice, which criminalised sodomy even between consenting adults. It does not cover non-consensual acts like rape. The administration is also working to address cases where LGBTQIA+ service members were convicted under other UCMJ charges related to their identity.

While the law known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was repealed by Congress in 2011, its damaging legacy persisted. A service member’s discharge status determines their eligibility for VA benefits like home loans, pensions, and education. Many LGBTQIA+ veterans were denied access to these critical services.

Pentagon continues review of discharges based on sexual orientation

The Pentagon is also reviewing records of LGBTQIA+ veterans discharged due to their identity. If you qualify for a pardon, submit an online application for your military branch to review. If approved, you’ll get a pardon certificate from the DOJ, but you’ll need to apply separately to update your discharge status.

The government is working to make this process easy, including potentially partnering with free lawyers to guide LGBTQIA+ vets through the system. It’s a historic step to correct past wrongs and ensure all who serve are treated with respect, regardless of who they love or how they identify.

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