
Fondation Émergence Fights LGBTQIA+ Discrimination With Shocking “Anti-Gay” Agenda

Screenshot of video campaign (Fondation Émergence/YouTube)

In a powerful campaign launched by Fondation Émergence and Havas Montréal, the fight against LGBTQIA+ discrimination takes center stage. As reported by Campaign, the non-profit’s latest initiative, titled the LGBTPHOBIC Agenda, aims to expose the ongoing hatred and violence faced by the LGBTQIA+ community.

“A rollback of LGBTQIA+ rights is a setback for all society”

The campaign’s theme highlights the alarming rise in anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation worldwide. From the US to Russia, Iraq and Uganda, the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals are under attack. Fondation Émergence’s executive director, Laurent Breault, emphasises that when one group’s rights are threatened, it opens the door for a rollback of other fundamental rights.

365 Days Of Hatred Documented

The campaign focuses on a 365-day calendar highlighting a different act of hatred or violence against the LGBTQIA+ community for each day. Havas Montréal collected over 400 documented instances of past LGBTQIA+ hate crimes and matched them to corresponding calendar days. This powerful visual representation reveals the shocking reality of ongoing prejudice, discrimination, and violence against the LGBTQIA+ community.

An Anti-Gay Agenda: A LGBTPHOBIC Agenda

Havas Montréal’s chief creative officer Carle Coppens explains that the campaign turns the concept of a “gay agenda” on its head. By creating an “anti-gay agenda,” the initiative denounces the 365 days of hatred against LGBTQIA+ communities and the rollback of their rights around the world.

The campaign, which includes a 90-second anchor film directed by Amélie Hardy, social, print, digital, and OOH elements, is currently in market in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. It serves as a stark reminder that the fight for LGBTQIA+ equality is far from over and that we must all stand together to combat hatred and discrimination.

You can watch the full video on Youtube:

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